Friday, February 10, 2012

We Are Making Progress

Attached a link,0,3698549.story to an interesting article published in the Sun Sentinel titled "Pill mill law sends 'pillbillies' packing." Indeed, we are making great progress: "In a state that had garnered the humiliating national reputation as the go-to state for Oxycontin, the number of oxycodone pills purchased last year by Florida doctors plunged an astonishing 97 percent. Overall oxycodone sales dropped 20 percent, according to figures from the Drug Enforcement Administration. Didn't hurt that the roster of the top 100 oxycodone-buying doctors shed its overwhelmingly Florida vibe. Two years ago, 90 of the top 100 doctors hailed from Florida; last year, only 13 made the list." But more work needs to be done!! We need to create awareness among our fellow colleagues to sign up for and to use the PDMP in their daily practice of medicine; we need to close loopholes that exempt doctors from using the PDMP which includes ALL physicians employed by the Veteran Administration resulting in a sharp increase of opioid use by VA patients. I also suspect that those patients represent a source for illegal prescription opioid street sales. Furthermore, we must identify those doctors in the community which still prescribe prescription opioids in large amounts contributing to overdose deaths of patients. Even though I believe in educating them about safe prescription practices I also advocate for swift revocation of their licenses to protect the public from their actions. Looking forward to your comments. Yours Bernd

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