Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pain Clinic Regulations Stalled

Attached some troubling updates regarding the pain clinic regulation issues:

1. A letter to the editor published in the Sun-Sentinel
2. Article about persistent over dose deaths in Florida,0,1564941.story
3. Medical Board Yanks License of Pediatrician,0,5563711.story
* Several troubling statements taken from the article:
* "On a related matter, a medical board panel decided not to take emergency action to initiate a strict set of pain clinic rules that have been delayed by legislative action. Legislators last month passed a law saying rules with substantial impact on small business cannot take effect until lawmakers give approval. The medical board could have declared the pill mill problem to be an emergency and put the rules into effect, but the panel found no grounds to do so."
* What other grounds do we need to declare an emergency??


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