Tuesday, May 1, 2007

ASAM Conference in Miami Was A Smashing Success

News And Updates: The ASAM 38th Annual Scientific Conference Took Place In Miami

The ASAM Scientific Conference took place in Miami from Wednesday, April 26th to Sunday April 29th offering a variety excellent and very informative lectures, symposiums and workshops.
For more information about how to order audio CD’s,CD ROMs, and MP3 Audio files of the excellent scientific program please log on to https://www.dcporder.com/asam .
The conference was preceded by the ASAM Board meeting whose members voted to allocate significant resources from the Ruth Fox Memorial Endowment Fund to support ASAM’s two highest Strategic Priorities: the recognition of Addiction Medicine as a physician specialty by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) , and the adoption of federal parity legislation by the US congress.
Recognition of Addiction Medicine by the ABMS will assure patients suffering from the disease of addiction that there is a physician fully trained and BOARD CERTIFIED to meet their needs, and will make it easier for them to identify such physicians in their community.
Furthermore, parity will establish a level playing field for patients suffering from the disease of addiction to have their healthcare services for the treatment of their disease of addiction paid by their private health insurance on par with how their health insurance pays for all other medical care.
Parity and ABMS recognized certification will improve access to care, availability and quality of care thereby fulfilling ASAM’s mission.
On Sunday morning the ASAM leadership offered a two-hour program to presents the goals and perspectives of the newly formed ASAM’s Medical Specialty Action Group and outline the making of a medical specialty.
The FSAM Board also had the opportunity to meet with several FSAM members present and we discussed how to accomplish the FSAM goals:

1.Reorganize FSAM as a full-service membership organization promoting the interest of healthcare professionals involved in addiction care, research and treatment.

2.Promote excellence of care in addiction medicine through education and training of physicians and other allied healthcare professionals.

3.Achieve cooperative relationships with other medical specialties to foster the integration of screening and intervention modalities in patient care.

4.Create a FSAM Political Action Committee (PAC), educate political decision makers about the importance of sustainable funding mechanism for community based addiction treatment modalities and advocate for the promotion of addiction care and research in primary care.

5.Establish a planning committee to design a strategic plan outlining the vision of our organization for a statewide drug control and treatment program.

I also provided an overview of the Chapter activities that took place in the last two months:
Chapter Activities Update:
1. COMMUNICATION: Creation of a new blog http://fsamnews.blogspot.com/ We encourage you to respond to the posted news item, post your comment and opinions and participate in a continuous dialogue regarding our shared goals and interests
2. EDUCATION: After the successful completion of our last scientific meeting we are planning our 2008 Scientific Conference, which will take place FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 2, 2008 at the MCKNIGHT BRAIN INSTITUTE
Gainesville,FL. We need volunteers to organize and plan this conference!
3. ADOPT A RESIDENCY PROGRAM: Two residency programs in South Florida expressed their interest in an addiction medicine curriculum. We will support those efforts and Dr. Wollschlaeger will personally be involved in those activities. We are looking forward to your participation and support. For more information contact Dr. Wollschlaeger at info@miamihealth.com
4. POLITICAL ACTION: We will collaborate with the Florida Medical Association and the Florida Academy of Family Physicians in the pursuit of joint policy issues. We need your support to launch the FSAM Political Action Committee (FSAM-PAC).
5. FSAM COMMITTEES: We are looking for interested supporters and volunteers for the following suggested FSAM committees (Membership Development, Education and Research, Legislation) .


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