Thursday, May 31, 2012

Face-Off and Bath Salts

Attached a link to an article published in today's Sun Sentinel titled " Face-eating attack spurs crackdown on synthetic drugs" highlighting the widespread and growing use of synthetic drugs camouflaged as "bath salts" and "incense." These dangerous drugs that are being sold across store counters and several of those I personally found displayed in our neighborhood foodstore. Regulators have struggled to control these drugs as manufacturers stay one step ahead of them by changing ingredients to escape legal action. Frustration reached a fever pitch this week with speculation that the Miami "Cannibal" may have been high on bath salts when he chewed off most of a man's face in Miami on Saturday before he was gunned down by police. Many so-called "bath salts" are sold in small packets under names including Ivory Wave, Bliss and Vanilla Sky. Most come with labels that say they are not for human consumption and are intended as real bath salts to sooth customers. Others claim to serve as deodorizers and pool and spa cleaners. In reality, they have contained chemicals such as mephedrone and MDPV that produce a high similar to illegal narcotics such as cocaine and methamphetamines. They come in tiny jars, resemble crystals, and are packaged in quantities small enough to be snorted or swallowed. Florida banned those chemicals last year, then had to add 92 chemicals to its list of banned ingredients this year to keep up with the manufacturers. (For more information about "bath salts" see the NIDA web site) In my opinion we should launch a public awareness campaign to educate parents, schools, colleges and employer groups about this growing threat to public health and safety. We must recognize our individual responsibility to reach out to those we love and care for. Its not too late. Yours Bernd