Dear Friends and Colleagues:
Attached you find an e-mail from Dr. Andrea Trescot and a link to a congressional hearing "NASPER: Why Has the National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act Not Been Implemented?"
I am very proud of Dr. Trescots accomplishments and was honored working with her on the FMA Pain Journal project which was forwarded to the committee members.
We all need to work together to stop the epidemic of pain medication abuse. Why do US citizens who comprise 4% of the world population consume >90% of the worlds Hydrocodone supply!!!!!
Now is time to act to take measures to stop the rampant abuse of pain medications without jeopardizing the access to medications of those in need.
FSAM will participate in an outreach program to educate physicians from other specialty societies about this issue.
We need to work together and make change happen.
> My testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce can be found at
> The full download is about an hour and a half; my testimony starts about 1:20. After my 5 minute statement, you will hear the questions by Rep Whitfield, who holds the journal up for the cameras. A copy of the journal may be going to the White House.